Easy Way To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes In Your Home, Room


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As rainfall comes and goes, mosquitoes persist, posing a continuous threat of malaria transmission.

Malaria remains a significant public health concern, with over 100,000 fatalities recorded annually due to the disease.

The lack of preventive measures and accessible healthcare services exacerbates the situation, leading to unnecessary loss of lives.

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Amidst the escalating costs of malaria drugs, particularly affecting middle to low-income earners and rural farming communities, there exists a straightforward method to ward off mosquitoes and prevent malaria within our living spaces, even during nocturnal activities.

To effectively prevent mosquitoes and malaria, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Obtain red onions, known for their potent mosquito-repelling properties.

  2. Slice the red onions into small pieces.

  3. Place the sliced onions into a container filled with clean water.

  4. Cover the container and allow the onions to soak in the water for 2-3 hours.

  5. After soaking, strain the onion-infused water and transfer it into a spray bottle.

  6. Use the onion-infused water to dust all room corners and areas where mosquitoes may hide.

  7. Spray the onion-infused water generously across the room, including corners, angles, under the bed, and other potential mosquito hiding spots.

  8. Leave the room undisturbed for 30 minutes to 1 hour to allow the onion solution to take effect.

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For outdoor protection against mosquitoes:

  1. Slice an onion in half.

  2. Rub the onion halves on exposed parts of the body, such as legs, hands, and neck.

  3. This natural mosquito repellent will effectively deter mosquitoes from approaching until it’s time to return indoors.

Despite preconceived notions about the smell, the onion-infused water does not emit a strong odor and remains inconspicuous within the room environment.

It’s essential to share these preventive measures with friends and family to collectively combat mosquito-borne illnesses and safeguard against sickness.

By adopting these simple yet effective strategies, we can mitigate the risk of malaria and ensure our well-being. CONTINUE READING 

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